HNU’s School of Nursing Generic BSN graduates post 100% pass rate on National Nursing examination

Holy Names University School of Nursing is pleased to announce that 100% of the Generic BSN nursing graduate cohort passed their National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) on the first try. This percentage is well above national and state NCLEX pass rate averages (85.91% and 90.79%, respectively).
“This success is reflective of the program’s innovative curriculum and the students and faculty’s hard work,” says Dean of the School of Nursing Dr. Edith Jenkins-Weinrub. “I would like to thank every faculty member involved in the education of our Generic BSN students. A major contributor to the program’s success is Dr. Pamela Stanley, Assistant Director of the Generic Nursing Program. She implemented an evidence-based curriculum that involved analyzing program data from the students’ admission into the program through graduation.”
Dr. Stanley explained, “Data collected during testing was utilized to adjust the education to meet the students’ needs. The curriculum was built and designed to help build the students’ preparation and confidence in passing the state board exams. Additionally, faculty members provided students with educational support through mentoring and supplemental classes.”
The program provides students with real-world learning experiences explains Dr. Jenkins-Weinrub, “While nursing education begins in the classroom, it is utilizing simulation in a safe environment to learn and the clinical practice in hospitals, clinics, and health care community agencies that provide an opportunity for students to apply knowledge gained to practice.”
Says Dr. Stanley, “The 100% pass rate is a huge accomplishment for the program’s graduates and the School of Nursing. This score demonstrates the quality and rigor of our program and helps make HNU a school of choice.”