Raskob Learning Institute and Day School
of children in the Bay Area for 70 years

How to Obtain Student Records and Transcripts
Due to the closure of Raskob at the end of the 2022-23 school year, the school has established a partnership with a records clearinghouse to manage transcript issuance. Once records are transferred to the clearinghouse, information about ordering transcripts and student records will be updated. Until then, please refer questions related to school closure or transcripts to info@myraskob.org or call (510) 436-1000.
Confidentiality of Information: All information concerning your child’s academic and psychological records and progress reports are confidential under Federal and State laws (Public Laws 94-142 and 93-380) and California Laws, Chapter 1229, States of 1974.) These reports may not be distributed to any professional or other persons who are not a Raskob Institute/Day School staff member without the written consent, in advance, by the parents or legal guardians of the child, under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, except by court order.
Contact Information
Raskob Institute and Day School
Mailing Address:
4400 Keller Avenue
Suite 140, PMB# 330
Oakland, CA 94605
(510) 436-1000

Founded in 1953, Raskob Learning Institute was one of the oldest programs for individuals with learning differences in the United States. Sister Eileen Marie Cronin, Ph.D., Professor of Education at Holy Names College, began the Raskob Learning Institute (RLI) as a summer clinic that provided one-to-one educational therapy to students in grades 3-8.
In the early years Raskob was known throughout the country as a program that trained teachers in its innovative approaches. It was also a site for research in the learning disabilities field. Over time the focus of RLI shifted from research and training to providing direct services.
In 1959, Sister Eileen Marie approached the Raskob Foundation for a car so that she could make her services more accessible to the Oakland community. Rather than granting her a car, Robert Raskob of the Raskob Foundation decided to build her a building!
In March of 1960, the building that Raskob Learning Institute and Day School currently resides in opened its doors. It was at this time that the clinic began offering teacher training, diagnostic teaching to children, as well as research in the field of education focusing on learning disabilities.
In 1973, Raskob Day School (RDS) was established with an entering class of four students, and was licensed by the State Department of Education as a Nonpublic School (a school that can receive placements and funding from public school districts and must comply with regulations regarding teacher credentialing and state education codes). Since then, the school grew in both enrollment, as well as academic offerings.
The Clinic served community members from Oakland and surrounding areas by offering Educational Therapy, Neuropsychological Assessments, as well as a comprehensive Summer Camp. The Day School now served students in grades 3rd-8th and had an average enrollment of 70 students.
Raskob Day School was a co-educational school for students from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds with language-based learning disabilities. Raskob sought to recognize and nurture the talents and strengths of each student while remediating areas of academic weakness through individualized curriculum and multi-sensory teaching approaches. Raskob’s safe and nurturing environment fostered the academic and social growth of each child. By participating in Raskob’s program, students experienced success and recognized themselves as learners.
Raskob was a division of Holy Names University (HNU). Both Raskob and the University closed at the end of the 2022-23 school year.
Raskob Accreditation
Raskob was an independent, non-sectarian, State Certified as an NPS (non-public school), and W.A.S.C. accredited.
Raskob was a National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) School of Excellence.