Holy Names University Staff Volunteer at the Alameda County Food Bank
In June, Holy Names staff members came together to volunteer at the Alameda County Food Bank. The event was organized by Casey LaBarbera, assistant dean for student affairs and HNU experience coordinator. LaBarbera, who regularly organizes similar community activities for students, said, “I was thrilled that so many staff members participated. The event was an opportunity for the whole HNU community to give back to local community members in need and live out the founding Sisters’ mission of service.”
“Volunteering [at the food bank] helps bring the community together and give to those who don’t have the means to eat three meals every day. At HNU, we seek to address food security issues—and we lead by example,” says Rob Kinnard, vice president for finance and administration.
During their volunteer shift, staff members worked in the warehouse packing fresh food. The importance of volunteering was reiterated by Luis Guerra, vice president for facilities and events, “If you are a part of the HNU community you volunteer—it fulfills the call of the Sisters.”